South Korea plans to hire 110,000 workers in 2023

South Korea plans to hire 110,000 workers in 2023

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South Korea plans to attract 110,000 workers in 2023
Uzbekistan is among 16 countries sending workers to the country.

The South Korean city of Sokcho hosted a seminar organized by the "Korean Human Resource Development Service" with the participation of management and responsible employees of organizations from 16 countries that send labor force to this country on the basis of E-9 visa, the Dunyot news agency reported.

The event was attended by a delegation headed by the Deputy Head of the Agency for External Labor Migration under the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment of Uzbekistan Azizbek Yunusov.

Representatives of Korea provided detailed information on the results of the Employment Permit System (EPS) in 2022 and the activities planned for 2023.

For the first time in the history of the system, the total number of quotas for 16 countries sending labor to Korea on E-9 visas was set at 110,000 in 2023.

It was noted that this, in turn, is a big responsibility for countries sending workers to South Korea, and more attention needs to be paid to training and courses for citizens before they enter the country.

Earlier, it was reported that 1,500 workers from Uzbekistan are planned to be attracted to the UK in 2023.

On January 17, the first 24 Uzbek migrant workers were sent for seasonal work on farms specializing in agriculture in the UK.

The Agency for External Labor Migration also provided information on attracting citizens to work in foreign countries and protecting their rights and interests abroad.

As a result of negotiations with foreign competent organizations and employers cooperation agreements were signed with 112 organizations from such countries as Great Britain, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Serbia, Finland, Russia, Kazakhstan, about 15 000 vacancies were identified.

In particular, in 2022 about 36,000 citizens were employed for fixed-term jobs in countries such as Russia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Germany, Serbia, Japan, England, Turkey.

Also as a result of negotiations, 4,901 citizens were sent to work in Korea, 78 - to England, 63 - to Germany.

Today, Uzbeks wishing to work abroad are offered jobs in various fields of medicine, driving, construction, manufacturing and service in countries such as Germany, Romania, Hungary and England.

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