Twardogora, Celstuwek (50 km from Wroclaw)
22 zlotys/hour net min.
5100 PLN per month (about $1100)
2-3 shifts, Monday-Friday 06:00-18:30 or 14:00-22:30 8-12 hours + Saturday 8 hours. Min.
230 hours per month. 2 breaks during the working day.
I work in a factory that manufactures and develops plastic and rubber parts (panels, pipes, hoses, etc.) for the automotive industry and household appliances (seals, rubber fixtures and drain hoses for refrigerators, washing machines and dryers).
One of the sections has a rubber odor and some noise.
Solving technical problems related to the efficient operation of machines and appliances.
Maintaining machines in readiness for operation, technical inspection.
Optimizing processes and checking tools and spare parts
Dependent on safety regulations
Preparing production reports in conjunction with the foreman
Possibility to apply for a residence card for 3 years
Accommodation (100 PLN for utilities); about $25
Transport to work if needed
Clothing and shoes
Security measures and medical examination
Russian speaking coordinator
Mobile operator's package.
Technical education
Ability to read technical drawings
Experience in maintenance of production machines
Able to diagnose and repair malfunctions
Russian language skills at a fluent level
Men of 26-45 years old. - Our mission is to be the most reliable partner for our clients and candidates. Developing stable relationships with various business entities and learning from their Corporate culture, we utilize an executive search process that defines the role of the candidate in the organization. In order to fulfill our commitment, we implement comprehensive recruitment service strategies that are embedded in our business principles.